The training was inaugurated by recitation from the holy Quran. All the participants introduce themselves in the training. After that Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, ED, BSFF addressed the welcome speech on behalf of the organization in the training. Before the inauguration of the training session the chairman, chief guest and special guests have taken their respective seats.

Mr. Md Abdur Rashed, DD (Rtd.), FIQC in his speech of Guest of Honor, he mentioned there have some problem associated with galda hatchery management system and we have to solve the problem together.

Mr. Habibur Rahman Khondoker, Consultant, ATC-P, BSFF in his speech of Guest of Honor, he told that galda hatchery management system in danger we have to work together to save this sector. Special Guest Mr. Shamim Haider, DFO, Khulna mentioned in his speech that in this year we didn’t get quality galda PL and also get insufficient PL for culture.

Special Guest Mr. Ayaz Hasan Chisty, Professor, FMRT Discipline, Khulna University told in his speech that this sector in danger and we need to rescue the galda hatchery management system immediately.Special Guest Mr. Profulla Kumar Sarker, DD, FIQC shared his experience on galda hatchery management system. He also mentioned problem associated galda hatchery was not identified specifically. He told that problem associated galda hatchery would be infrastructural malfunction, lack of skilled manpower, land, water quality and also regarding feed (natural and artificial). He put a suggestion that Brian and fresh water treatment should be done prior to mix Brian and fresh water.

He also suggests that a national committee should be formed to find out the galda hatchery management problems specifically and take initiative to solve the problems. Chief guest Mr. Ranajit Kumar Paul, DD, DoF, Khulna mentioned in his speech that problems associated with galda hatchery management system should be identified and need to solve the problem to rescue this sector from danger.

After the speech of guests, Mr. Md.Khondoker Habibur Rahman, Consultant, ATC-P-BSFF start a participatory training session on “Assessment on status of Galda hatchery performances and crisis in Bangladesh with remarks, findings and recommendations”. In this session he presents some findings such as trained technicians work at hatchery only for 4-5 months and rest of the time of a year they become unemployed so the switch their occupation. He put some suggestion also like as; maintain water quality parameters, technology adaptation, use pathogen free brood, control temperature fluctuation and SPF brood development etc.

After that Dr. Ayaz Hasan Chisty, Professor, FMRTD, Khulna University make a participatory presentation on “Disease free Galda brood-stock [BS] collection, safe transportation and procurement in hatchery; Improved bio-security measures for brood-stock handling”. He mentioned in his presentation there have demand for galda PL but hatchery cannot produce sufficient PL, mortality due to unknown reasons. An expert team should be formed at national level, SPF galda brood need to be developed. He also mentioned 2 times formalin treatment of galda brood should be done before and after 24 hrs @ 150 ppm. End of the session begin lunch and prayer break for 1 hrs.

After lunch break, Mr. Hiranmoy Bhattacharjee, Sr. Aquaculturist, BSFF make a participatory presentation on “Site selection, facility design, renovation and disinfection for bio-security management in Galda Hatchery”. In this presentation he mentioned that a hatchery should be set up where; availability of raw materials, maintain good quality of water parameters, appropriate hatchery design facility, maintain bio-security properly and have Entrance footbath.

Mr. Sukumar Biswas, Galda Hatchery Expert, WorldFish make a participatory presentation on “Water collection and treatment, better operating protocol for egg incubation, hatching, transfer and stocking larvae in LRTs; Artemeia hatching, collection, enrichment and use in LRTs”. Where he discussed about complete larval cycle required 30-45 days, water preparation (12 ppt), Brood-stock management, Larvae collection & disinfection & counting, larvae stocking in LRTs, artemeia and source, artemeia incubation and enrichment and artemeia harvest & preservation etc.

Mr. Hiranmoy Bhattacharjee, Sr. Aquaculturist, BSFF make another participatory presentation on “Protocol for larvae rearing in LRT, including water quality, supplemental feed and larval health management”. In which he discussed about water quality parameters, LRTs management, larval rearing & feed management and larval rearing & health management in galda hatchery.

An open discussion ceremony was held at the end of the training session where Mr. Sukumar Biswas, Galda Hatchery Expert, WorldFish mentioned cause regarding galda hatchery failure i) Brood contamination (virul/bacterial contamination) ii) Poor water quality parameters and iii) lack of skilled manpower. He also put some suggestion as; i) Self brood bank develop ii) Controlled water source and iii) SPF brood develop.