Collaboration to start for transfer of Dutch know-how, modern technology and new genetically improved inputs for Black Tiger Shrimp Production in Bangladesh.
A 25 members Bangladesh Delegation led by Mr. Raisul Alam Mondal, Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Government of Bangladesh has had extensive discussions during a six days visit in the Netherland starting from 26 February 2019 to 28 February 2019 on a wide range of issues relating to increasing production of Black Tiger Shrimp in Bangladesh and its export to the European markets. During the visit, the Secretary appraised European and Dutch counter parts about comprehensive plan and strategies being pursued by the Government of Bangladesh and the Private Sector to accelerate development of the Shrimp sector and ensure export of good quality safe Bangladesh Shrimp for external market including the consumers in Europe. The Secretary and other members of Bangladesh Delegation including the Director General of Fisheries, Mr. Abu Sayed Md. Rashedul Haque urged the Dutch and European Companies to come forward to invest and transfer modern technology to support Bangladesh’s Blue Economy initiative and particularly help develop the country’s rich shrimp sector.
During the visit a MoU of cooperation was signed between Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish foundation (BSFF) and Hendrix Genetics Aquaculture B.V. for exchange of knowledge, technology and high production enabling inputs especially Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) brood stocks and PLs for the Black Tiger Shrimp Production in Bangladesh. Introduction of such SPF is being given high priority by the Government of Bangladesh to reduce dependence of hatcheries on collection of brood from the wild and the incidence of diseases in the shrimp sector of Bangladesh while ensuring its sustainable development. On behalf of BSFF, Mr. Syed Mahmudul Haque, Chairman of the Organization and on behalf of Hendrix Genetics, Mr. Neil Manchester, Managing Director signed the multi-year memorandum of understanding in the presence of Mr. Raisul Alam Mondal, Secretary, ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, the Government of Bangladesh, His Excellency Sheikh Mohammad Belal, Bangladesh Embassy to the Netherlands, Mrs. Sharifa Khan, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Director General, DoF, other key members of the Bangladesh delegation and representatives of concerned Dutch organizations and business enterprises.