Consultation Meeting on Harnessing the Potential of Coastal Aquaculture and Mariculture Learnings from Regional...

On Dated February 07, 2019 a Consultation Meeting held at Royal Tulip, Cox’s Bazar titled Harnessing the Potential of Coastal Aquaculture and Mariculture Learnings...

Partnership Agreement Signed between Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation and Winrock International to work...

A partnership agreement was signed between Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation and Winrock International, a US based organization at a simple ceremony held in...

Consultation Meeting on Ability of testing laboratories to undertake tests and analysis of aqua...

Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF) recently organized a consultation meeting titled “Consultation meeting with representative of relevant testing laboratories in Bangladesh with special...

Harvesting of Seabass Cultured Using Commercial Feed Based Modern Farming Practices at ATI Aqua...

Harvesting of Seabass Cultured Using Commercial Feed Based Modern Farming Practices at ATI Aqua Farm, Jimmongkhali, Hnila, Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar Seabass, a high value brackishwater...

Chairman of BSFF and Dr. George Chamberlain, Co-founder of both GSA and TCRS at...

Shrimp Summit 2023 JULY 24-26, 2023   HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM Mission of Shrimp Summit: To improve shrimp production across Asia by bringing together leaders from...


The BOBP facilitated a planning meeting between Syed Mahmudul Huq, Chairman, of Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF), and representatives from manufacturers and exporters...

Bangladesh Fisheries and Aquaculture Potentials and Challenges for Development and Exports and Harnessing Fisheries...

A national workshop entitled “Bangladesh Fisheries and Aquaculture Potentials and Challenges for Development and Exports and Harnessing Fisheries Potentials of Blue Economy” was held...

Preliminary workshop on Preparation of inventory of existing acts and rules and regulation...

Bangladesh Shrimp and Fish Foundation (BSFF) recently organized a preliminary workshop titled “Preparation of inventory of existing acts and rules and regulation in aqua...